Costume makeup tips and ideas come a dime a dozen. Just look at all these!
What you don’t get, though, are costume makeup tips that take your costume to another level.
I don’t want my costume to look like any old costume. I’m trying to turn heads. Weird out a person or two.
Heck, maybe even get a client!
So, I thought I’d post some quick costume makeup tips I’ve picked up along the way. These tips are ways you can make your makeup and costume stand out.
Here are 5 quick costume makeup tips.
Costume Makeup Tip #1 – Use translucent powder when your makeup is complete.
Translucent powder is a fine, colorless dust used to set makeup. Makeup that has been set lasts longer and doesn’t rub off as easily.
Prices vary from $5 on up to $70 or more, and they’re sold in mass merchant stores, drug stores, department stores, beauty supply shops…pretty much everywhere makeup is sold.
If your foundation is white, baby powder can be used to set the makeup since it, too, is white and may even brighten it a bit.
You just have to find a product that’s within your budget and you can’t see when dusted lightly over your makeup.
I’ve tried several different brands, and though there are some pretty expensive ones out there, you really don’t have to spend more to get more with translucent powder, in my opinion.
Costume Makeup Tip #2 – Fake blood: They’re not all equal.

In my experience, the vampire blood in the tube tends to dry bright and flake off leaving a red streak on your skin that resembles a Kool-Aid stain.
If you want something that looks real and won’t break the bank I recommend using blood gel.
I think it has the closest resemblance in color and general appearance to real blood, and it can be spread, poured, painted, and manipulated much easier than the runny vampire blood.
It also stays in place and doesn’t lose its sheen, so even though it’s sort of dry it still looks wet.
For DIY’ers, you can find a number of fake blood recipes, which is great since you can control the consistency and color of your blood.
But, if all you have is the vampire blood in the tube, create a more realistic look by using black, blue, brown, and red makeup as the base of the wound, then use the blood over the paint.
Doing this makes the tube blood look more realistic.
Also, you should take the tube with you so you can reapply fresh blood when you need to.
Costume Makeup Tip #3 – Spirit Gum has many uses.
Spirit gum is the sticky glue used to apply prosthetics, fake hair (like mustaches), bald caps and other props, to your skin.
It is extremely sticky and can be a pain…literally…to work with, if you’re not use to it. Removing spirit gum from hair? OUCH! It’s near impossible to do without a spirit gum remover.
Sometimes I add Vaseline or baby oil on the hairy skin around where I’m not using spirit gum . You know, just in case.
When it starts to dry, spirit gum takes on the characteristic sort of like liquid latex.
It becomes flexible enough to move with the natural movements of your skin, but strong enough to hold a prosthetic or prop in place.
You only have to apply very little when using it as a sticking agent. But for some looks, the tackiness you get when it dries can make for a neat wound.
While drying, it can be stretched and stippled into a makeup effect that resembles rotting or peeling skin, perfect for zombie make up, abrasions or burns.
Costume Makeup Tip #4 – Get into character.
Just pretending to be the character while applying makeup can make the character pop.
If you’re applying an old age costume makeup, look in the mirror and grimace your face so that you change into the character you’re becoming.
Do the same for any other character makeup, and you’ll see that it will help you apply a more authentic look.
It helps me, anyway. 🙂
Costume Makeup Tip #5 – When you think you’re done, you’ve just begun.
If you plan ahead you can really create something special.
Gather all your ideas and start brainstorming what you want your costume to do. To people, I mean. And keep track of everything you think of.
When you think you’ve run out of ideas, or you have a complete costume look, be on the lookout for things that would add even more.
What’s good makeup when you’re wearing a crappy costume?
Even a store bought costume can be personalized even further to make a more unique look.
Don’t let what’s on the hanger deter you from getting a particular costume. Just look at it as a skeleton.
You can always repaint a prop, distress a costume, add to the garment, and more.
A person with a ready-made store bought costume may look really good, but so will the other person at the party, who walked in wearing the same costume as you.
Thrift shops and consignment stores are dripping with costume ideas and add-ons!
Bonus Tip:
Incorporate your mistakes.
I learned this from watching countless episodes of Face Off.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve completely started over because I messed something up. But, sometimes a mishap can be your best friend.
You can always learn from your mistakes, and you can certainly get more out of a mistake if you find a way to incorporate it into the look
Chances are only you know of the mistake, so use it to your advantage. Imperfections really can make your look…perfect.