We’re going to explore how to create a unique alien character makeup using our creative ideas of other planets.

If you think about how big the universe is, it’s hard to believe we humans are the only intelligent beings around. I mean, there must be something else out there. Right?
Netflix is dripping with out-of-this-world stories, and there are some pretty telling accounts of encounters with beings from other planets. You can just imagine the kinds of creatures that are out there.
So, if you really think about it, an alien makeup is probably one of the most free-form makeups you can invent. We’re gonna create our own alien makeup pulled straight from our imaginations. Let’s figure out how to come up with the perfect alien makeup look.
What are aliens?
So, to get a good idea of how to create an alien makeup, we should understand what we mean by alien.
By definition, an alien is someone who is not a natural citizen of the place they are living. Okay, sounds good. But that doesn’t give us the prompt to create the type of makeup looks we see here on this page.
I suppose if we simply think about not being from planet Earth, that’s the inspiration we need. That basically gives us free rein to do just about anything with this look. You can certainly see evidence of that freedom when you think of alien makeup of the past.
Twilight Zone Alien

I absolutely love this old 1960s TV show The Twilight Zone. It’s a series that introduces a new, sort of twisted story with every episode. It’s amazing the effects the makeup artists were able to achieve in that show. The great Dick Smith’s work can be seen all throughout the series.
One of them is this giant alien in the episode “To Serve Man.” The alien makeup in this episode was quite human looking aside from their extreme height, over exaggerated facial structure, and clothing.
They also spoke through their minds, so their mouths never moved when talking. Creepy.
Men in Black Aliens

The Men in Black films are filled with all kinds of alien life forms, some humanoid and others totally out of this world. One thing I loved about these aliens is how many of them incorporated a lot of sliminess.
There’s something about having slimy, blotchy, clammy skin that brings either insect or alien to mind. Adding a wet sheen to your alien makeup may enhance the story you want to tell with your makeup.
And speaking of story…
What planet?

We can’t create an alien without thinking about where it’s from. Our character makeup will need to take on the look of whatever environment they live in.
For instance, if it’s a cold planet, what would the alien’s skin be like? Would they have fur?
What if it’s a water planet. Would they have fins or scales? What shape would their eyes be? And where on their face would they lie?
The Greys

The most famous depiction of a creature from outer space, this alien is referred to as one of the Greys. They were given that name because in so many recorded encounters they are described to have greyish skin.
The Greys’ distinctly shaped eyes are commonly applied in alien makeup. You can use shadows to sharpen your bone structure like that of the Greys, especially the cheek bones.
As with the alien in this picture, there are some aliens of this type that have some green vibes, or they may be green altogether. The skin seems splotchy and includes some veining.
Pinterest Inspiration
Take in how these artists interpret otherworldly creatures. Try to see if you can tell what stories they’re telling with their character makeup.