Learn how to create a unique elf makeup complete with an elf-like nose and pointy ears.

Elf Makeup for All Year
While you might see elves during the hoilday season, there are many who appreciate elf culture all year.
What do you picture when you think of an elf? You’d be surprised to learn that they come in many colors and designs.
Elf makeup is a creative look that can stem into many other looks. Let’s try our hands at creating a unique elf cosplay makeup!

What is an elf?
Elves have a long, rich history. Their stories have been told in folklore, fairytales, Shakespeare and countless films.
Elves have been linked to fairies due to their similarities in nature: the pointed ears, the small stature.
Elf mythology has colored elves as mischevious and cheerful; however, there is also a dark side to some elf history.
This gives us a wide range to pull from when creating our own elf makeup.
Elf Makeup Inspiration
Check out these gorgeous elf makeup looks to get inspired to create your own!
Here are a few tutorials that will get you started creating your own elf makeup.
Inside our Elf cosplay subscription box, we included Mehron Sculpting Putty. Here’s an in-depth tutorial on how to use this to sculpt an elf nose and ears.
I love the idea of sculpting an elf nose. Check out this tutorial on creating the perfect nose.
This tutorial teaches you how to create simple elf ears using wax and paper.
And here is another excellent elf ear tutorial using mostly household items.