Galaxy makeup is a fun and easy look that helps you practice painting stars and blending colors.
A Night Sky
If you stare at a clear sky you can see so many details you may not have noticed before. You’ll see colors that you didn’t see before. Just look at an image of a night sky and it will reveal things we can’t see with our naked eye.
There’s something about the mystery in the sky, and painting it brings some of the mystery to light. Let’s learn how to perfect a galaxy makeup.
Cosmic Makeup
Galaxy makeup is one of the most simple and artistic creations you can do. Yet, it’s also one you can learn a lot from.
This makeup look requires good blending skills, beauty skills, the ability to paint realistic stars, and creating the look of glowing light.
Let’s find out how to create a unique galaxy makeup look.

How to paint glowing stars
Painting stars is easy to do. Painting realistic stars takes a little more finesse.
The most important part in painting realistic stars is your brush.
The brush you use must be the right size for the star you’re creating. Tiny brushes make tiny stars.
The Glow
There’s a special technique in making something appear like it’s glowing with paint. It’s a technique that’s important in just about every aspect of makeup.
The technique? Blending.
Check out this video on making stars appear as if they are glowing. The tips here are invaluable and include lots of blending.
Don’t let the fact that they’re using acrylic paints scare you away. Face paints and makeup can follow the same rules as paintint with acrylics.
Galaxy Makeup Pinterest Board
I think gathering all the similar looks you can find really helps to get your creative juices flowing. It helps you pinpoint what works and what may not work for the look you’re going for.
I offer you my Pinterest board with tons of cosmic makeup inspiration!
Other Galaxy Makeup Tutorials
The first tutorial uses no face paints to create the look, while the second shows some really good blending techniques with face paints.